Indzhykulian Lab


Expectations of Lab members: 

  1. Work hard, play hard. Balance is important, yet often imbalances occur and can be necessary so when you need to get the work done, do it and when you need some recovery time, do that too.
  2. Communication is critical to success and typically it is the disagreements that lead to the most fruitful findings. So speak your mind, be open to feedback and recognize that feedback can come from anywhere and anyone.
  3. For (2) to happen we must all promote and respect the differences between us and we must all recognize that individual success and laboratory success should be synergistic.
  4. Pay attention to detail. There are no small steps and there are no cutting corners.
  5. Own your work, be proactive and be bold.
  6. Work together, we are a team with different strengths and weaknesses. We do not compete amongst ourselves, we have a world and nature to compete with. We are each better by working together.